Eye Care

Eye Bank

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Restoring Vision through Eye Donation

At our Eye Bank, we are dedicated to restoring vision and transforming lives through eye donation. Our team of highly trained professionals is committed to providing safe and efficient eye donation services, from the recovery of donated tissue to the distribution of corneas for transplantation.

Our Eye Bank also offers specialized services such as eye tissue evaluation, research, and education to support the advancement of eye care. We understand the transformative power of restored vision, and we are committed to providing compassionate and patient-centered care to both donors and recipients.

Transforming Lives with Eye Donation

We offer a wide range of expert care services to treat your foot and wound-related conditions.


Eye Tissue Recovery

Our eye tissue recovery services are designed to provide safe and efficient recovery of donated tissue. We also evaluate the donated tissue to ensure that it is suitable for transplantation.


Corneal Transplantation

This service is designed to restore vision for patients with corneal blindness. We provide personalized care and support throughout the transplantation process, from donor tissue matching to postoperative care.

Experience the Difference At Lions

We define ourselves as a community health provider with patient-centric care and value to all sections of society.


We offer excellent customer-centric services, emphasis set on ensuring we deliver a personalized experience. Our goal is to leave you healthy and happy.


We offer primary health care and outreach services through its existing network of satellite hospitals and other centres to be established in the future


We offer the highest standards of affordable and quality in-patient and outpatient eye care that respond to the health needs of the population.


Our hospital practitioners always follow the medical ethics and moral teachings and deliver services in accordance with the directives of the ministry of health

Restore vision and improve lives through eye donation

Call Anytime: 0728 970 601

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